Sometimes I beat myself up about past mistakes. Do you ever do that? One of the things I sometimes reflect on is the fact that I was broke, as in FLAT broke, for a long time. The amount of time I was broke and the timing of when I was broke both have something to do with the best and worst parts of that experience.
I’ll put the worst first. The worst is I was broke for 10 years of my life and the first ten years of my marriage. If I live 80 yrs that’s 1/8 of my life. If I live to see my 50th wedding anniversary that’s 1/5 of my marriage. When I beat myself up about that negative thoughts creep in my head like “if I hadn’t been so stupid for so long we would be a lot farther along financially”. If I ever verbalize any of those thoughts, usually to Shawna or Joe, they are quick to remind me of the good and that those thoughts will never change anything.
Now, for the best – the good. I was only broke for 10 years of my life. It was only 10 years of my marriage. I was young and learned the hard lessons early. I could have let it go on for 20 or 30 or even 50 years and never listened and learned. It could have defined my marriage and my children’s future if I kept using the same broke mentality and lack of discipline. I thank God for bringing us through it sooner than later and pray by his grace we never go through it like that again. We have the rest of our life to keep the finances right and honor God with everything he blesses us to manage.
Have you recognized the turning point in how you manage money? Are you headed in the right direction and never want to go back even when setbacks get you down? Are you done being broke?
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