Anyone can create a plan for their finances, their fitness, their life… But only discipline can see the plan through to becoming reality. Disciplining ourselves is so difficult, so we need a constant reminder of why the discipline is worth it. Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” I know this is referring to struggles against sin, but the principle applies in general.
We’re coming up on another New Year. That’s the time where everyone makes plans, or resolutions, of things they want to accomplish. It doesn’t matter how detailed those goals and plans are if there is no discipline to stick to them. I know I have been guilty countless times of falling off the discipline train. Life gets in the way or milestones are missed for reasons outside my control. Before I know it I’ve thrown my hands up in frustration and ultimately allowed a total lapse in discipline. By the time I acknowledge it there is little hope the goals can be met. If you’re human like me you can probably relate.
My plan for this coming year is to get my level of discipline back to where it once was in areas that I’ve allowed to slip. I will have goals. I will have detailed plans. But this time there will be more boundaries to prevent life from getting in the way, and when it does there will be more attention to adapting the plan and maybe even adjusting the goal.
Let’s stop allowing frustration to lead to lost hope. In order to experience the peace of knowing we’re fulfilling the plans God has for us we have to have the discipline he has called us to.
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