Fat Boy Chronicles

If you’ve been using Netflix Streaming for any amount of time you know what it’s like to come across a movie that looks interesting but turns out to have terrible acting, terrible plot, or terrible production quality. I recently cancelled cable so it feels like I’m experiencing the terrible options on Netflix streaming more and more, but I’m glad I kept watching Fat Boy Chronicles despite the terrible acting.

The movie is based on a true story of a fat freshman who is smart but fat, likes a cute girl, but gets picked on constantly because he’s fat. Here are three things I love about the story:

  • 1. The kid had an IHHE moment. You could slowly but surely see it coming, and then it happened. The I HAVE HAD ENOUGH moment. The kid was ticked. He was not going to eat the same ole junk food any more and he put a plan in place to exercise.
  • 2. The kid pursued the girl. Little did the fat kid know the girl he liked also had issues. He liked her for who she was rather than what she was going through and he pursued her. He invited her to church. He pressed in to have difficult conversations with her.
  • 3. The kid faced adversity. By the end of the movie all the immature morons had reason to respect the fat freshman. He had helped them. He had helped himself. He had won the girl. Who couldn’t respect a kid who faced so many challenges and overcame them all in such a positive way…
  • Sometimes we have to have a true IHHE moment to motivate us to fight through the situations and circumstances we face so that we can accomplish the things we want to accomplish, and we just might help others in the process. I love that message! If you can handle the terrible acting I recommend this movie, otherwise just take my word for it – the story is good.

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