Part 1: My Parent’s 40th Anniversary

This year my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary and I’ve been wanting to write about them for several months.  There is a lot we can all learn by talking to our parents and using the wisdom they’ve gained through years of experience, or the wisdom they haven’t gained 🙂  It’s important to have discernment of what advice to take or leave when talking to anyone.  My hope for everyone is you have someone like my parents to gain some encouraging wisdom from.

So I basically did a little interview with my parents, something I’ve never really done quite like this, to pick their brain a little at their 40 year mark.  In this series of posts I want to share some of the questions I asked and some of the takeaways and insight from the conversation.

What does it feel like to be married 40 years?

Mom:  It doesn’t really seem possible that it’s been that long.  It feels good just to have survived this long.  (She didn’t mean as in they haven’t killed each other, she meant it’s good to be alive at their age – which isn’t as old as they act sometimes 🙂 ).

Dad:  Well, dad was actually still asleep in his chair when I asked the first question (being an old fart) so mom answered for him by saying, “Best years of his life!”  (There’s a bit of the humor in this relationship coming out.)

Has it always been a fairytale?

(I asked this because so many young couples are shocked and confused when the ‘fairytale’ wears off)

Mom:  It was like any newlyweds – a dream come true.  But there weren’t any Disney princess movies back then.  We’ve always had reasons to stay grounded. We had to work hard. We never had anything given to us. Our first house was a very old owner financed single wide trailer.  100% financing through banks wasn’t very likely back then if it even existed and getting family to co-sign wasn’t an option for us.

Dad:  Back then not so many people lived together before getting married.  Times were different.  Gas was .19 per gallon and beef was .49 per pound.  

That’s a good point about living together and times were different but I’m not sure what that had to do with the question.  Oh, he just woke up!  Must have been having nightmares about current inflated pricing…

I love the comment my mom made about there not being any Disney princess movies back then.  Now days so many young couples are growing up with the crazy notion that they’re going to be swept off their feet and live happily ever after.  Then when reality hits and their spouse shows imperfection they’re shocked and don’t know what to do.  Why do we spend so much time dreaming the impossible and never spending time considering a more likely reality?

Stay tuned for more from my parents…


  1. […] For my parents 40th wedding anniversary I did a little interview and I’m sharing their wisdom.  If you missed it you can click here to read Part 1. […]

  2. […] anniversary I did a little interview and I’m sharing their wisdom.  If you missed it you can click here to read Part 1 or click here to read Part […]

  3. […] and I’m sharing their wisdom.  If you missed the first three parts you can read them here: Part 1 Part 2 Part […]

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