Porn Links

In the past I did several posts on overcoming porn and I’ve been meaning to share some links to sites that are helpful: – this organization takes a very bold but cool approach to dealing with porn. There are things to like and not like about it but they’re making their point and I like to check what’s going on with them to stay encouraged in my own life. They have blogs and newsletters and a free accountability software that I use with some friends to make sure we’re not looking at questionable stuff on the internet. – Every Man’s Battle is a great book to read for both men and women and then there is another one that is good to follow it called Every Heart Restored. On their website they have different studies and tools to help keep the fight alive so men (and women) can win the battle. There is a daily email devotional that I subscribed to and there is also a podcast and other stuff. Check it out. – this is the accountability software that Jake @ NS recommends, so it must be good. It requires a paid subscription which I haven’t felt necessary to pay yet for my own needs. But I’m sure it is a much better software than the one I use for free and if my accountability partners need to we might all just bite the bullet and pay for Convenant Eyes. If Jake says it’s good I believe him.

Hope this is helpful. I’ll be on the lookout for more useful resources that help fight porn temptations and if anyone else finds any they want to share I’m open to suggestions.

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