What A Week!

It’s been a very busy week folks. I haven’t had a spare minute to write anything and it’s really bugging me. So a quick list of highlights since my last post:

  • Birthday party for Joshua, Mark & Michelle. I’ll post photos and a story about this probably tomorrow when I have some time early in the morning.
  • Work
  • Travel to and from Dalton for work
  • Got my dad to look at a car problem I’m having – a/c isn’t cold.
  • Work
  • 1st Wednesday service @ NewSpring, the greatest church ever. The service was awesome. Matthew Barnett from LA spoke (founder of the Dream Center if you’ve heard of it). Wow!! Reminded me of my pentacostal roots and proved to me that there are some cool pentacostals out there – just not in the Bible belt.
  • Work
  • Got a belt for our dryer – it’s making an awful noise. I’m going to try and fix it myself so cross your fingers.
  • Work
  • We’re dealing with insurance companies right now (Health & Life) so I’ve been getting phone calls and working on paperwork and scheduling a physical for bright and early tomorrow morning.
  • Work
  • Helping Shawna w/ kids while she goes through the chiropractor treatment.

Did I mention work? I have a lot of pressure to work harder which typically means longer hours. I REFUSE to neglect my wife and kids or my health and sanity, and I pray that I keep proper balance in my life.
My family is coming to town for Easter…going to church with us Saturday for Easter…NewSpring is doing the first of a new series titled “America‘s Idol”. It’s going to be great. We get to vote on which songs our band plays – and they rock. Also, at church Saturday the upstate’s most popular SECULAR radio station will be AT OUR CHURCH. That’s cool.
I’ll post some more tomorrow hopefully.

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